Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures

Animal paintings : Dolphin Painting « The outcome Dolphin from Michael Jackson Earth song »

Dolphin escape from net painting

The Outcome - 2017 Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 95 cm x 55 cm (37.4 in x 21.7 in)
3:12 M. J. Earth Song dolphin hoped outcome Available / Disponible
Please click on image for larger view

The story of this painting is particular as at first I started a painting having another subject in mind, it had to be a girl with a robin.
I had prepared the canvas, and while I was starting the background colour I listened to Michael Jackson's Earth Song on-line.
For an instant I turned my head and just saw the clip sequence, when a dolphin tries to escape the net he's prisoner in.
The sorrow I felt at that moment and the suffocation of the dolphin I could feel, were so painful that I couldn't paint any more, and the only way I found to overcome that feeling was to imagine an outcome... The hoped outcome I wished have been possible to that poor dolphin struggling to stay alive.

Animal paintings : Dolphin Painting « The outcome Dolphin from Michael Jackson Earth song »

Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures